Slaughter and May Assessments

Prepare for the Slaughter and May recruitment process with tailor-made practice materials.

About Slaughter and May

Founded in 1889, Slaughter & May is a top-tier law firm with a world-renowned reputation. With offices in Hong Kong, London, Brussels and Beijing, the firm has a truly global reach.

Slaughter & May is known for its excellent legal services, which have been praised by clients and peers alike. The firm has also been recognized as one of the best places to work in the legal industry.

The firm has been involved in some of the most high-profile legal cases in British history. It has a strong corporate and finance practice, and is also known for its work in intellectual property, real estate, and tax law.

At Slaughter & May, you'll have access to some of the brightest legal minds in the world. The firm's lawyers are highly sought after by leading businesses and organizations.

Trainees at Slaughter & May are said to be some of the best. Many lawyers who have trained there attribute their success to the great mentorship they receive at the firm.

Trainees are given a lot of responsibility from an early stage, which allows them to develop their skills quickly. They also have access to some of the best lawyers in the world, who can provide mentorship and support.

Slaughter & May has made a concerted effort to create an inclusive environment where all employees feel welcomed and valued.

The firm sponsors numerous programs and initiatives designed to promote diversity and inclusion, such as career panels, networking events and mentorship programs.

Slaughter and May Application Process

Getting a job at Slaughter & May is no easy task. The application process is extremely competitive, with only the best of the best being accepted into the firm.

First and foremost, you need to have an excellent academic record.

Secondly, you must have outstanding legal skills and experience.

Finally, you need to possess the necessary personal qualities that will allow you to thrive in a top law firm.

If you meet all of these requirements, then make sure to submit your application early. The competition for jobs at Slaughter & May is fierce, so it's important to give yourself the best chance of being selected by submitting your application as soon as possible.

Slaughter and May Online Application

Every year, Slaughter & May recruits new lawyers to work in their offices. This process is done through an online application system.

All candidates must complete an online form. This form asks for personal details, your education and work experience, and some questions about why you want to work at Slaughter and May.

Candidates must also upload a copy of their CV and a cover letter. Your CV should not be longer than two sides of an A4 sheet. Make sure to tailor it specifically to Slaughter and May, highlighting your skills and experience that match the job you are applying to.

The cover letter should explain why you want to work at Slaughter & May, and how you would add value to the team.

Be sure to gather any letters of recommendation or reference letters and have them ready to submit as well.

Slaughter and May Interview

Candidates who pass the online application stage will be asked to an interview at one of Slaughter & May's offices. The interview follows the structure below:

Slaughter and May Written Exercise

You will be tasked with writing a report about a fictional business that undergoes a strategic review process. There will be various pieces of information and facts that need to be analysed, and then used to create an insightful report. You will be given one hour to complete this task.

The quality of your report will be evaluated based on its level of written communication, creative thinking, persuasion, problem-solving and situational judgement.

Slaughter and May Interview with two partners

After you finish the written exercise, you will be given 15 minutes to read a newspaper article. You should take notes as they will be very useful during the interview.

The newspaper article will be the subject of the interview. The two partners will ask you questions about its key points, themes, arguments and conclusions.

You will also have to state your opinion on the issues raised in the article, and determine if its arguments were logical and coherent.

The purpose of this interview is not to assess your political views, but to evaluate your ability to quickly analyse new information, form an opinion, and have a sensible debate. Thus, your opinions will be challenged, and you should not be afraid to defend them.

Slaughter and May Chat and tour with a current trainee

Following the interview with the partners, a current trainee will give you a tour of the offices. This is your chance to learn more about what it's like to work at Slaughter & May, and to determine whether it is a good fit for you.

Slaughter and May HR interview

The HR interview at Slaughter & May is the last stage of the interview process. It gives you the opportunity to learn more about the firm and the role.

The interviewer will invite you to reflect on the written exercise and the interview with the partners. They will also ask you about your experience, motivation for applying, and why you are interested in working for Slaughter & May.

In addition, they will assess your communication and interpersonal skills. The interview is a chance for them to get to know you as a person, as well as to see if you are the right candidate for the firm.

Sample Slaughter and May Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /5

Given the premises: Premise 1 - All binding contracts must contain a dispute resolution clause. Premise 2 - A certain agreement does not include a dispute resolution clause. What can be deduced from these premises?

  • The agreement is not necessarily a binding contract.
  • The agreement probably includes a mediation clause instead.
  • The lack of a dispute resolution clause invalidates the entire agreement.
  • The agreement may still be legally binding without the clause.

An attorney is evaluating evidence for a case. Which of the following statements would be considered a fact rather than an opinion?

  • The defendant's alibi for the night in question seems unreliable.
  • The security camera footage shows the defendant was not at the scene of the crime.
  • It is highly likely that the witness testimony will influence the jury's decision.
  • The prosecutor has a strong belief in the defendant's guilt based on the evidence presented.

During a landmark legal case, the prosecution introduced a series of text messages as evidence. If the defense wants to argue that the messages were taken out of context, which critical point should they focus on to support their claim?

  • The timestamps on the messages.
  • The overall relationship between the two parties communicating.
  • The lack of emoji usage in the messages.
  • The length of the text messages.

Assume the following arguments are made during a trial: Argument A claims that no contract exists without a signature. Argument B asserts that a contract can exist if there is an implied agreement between parties. If both arguments are logically sound, what additional information would be most critical to determine the validity of the contract in question?

  • Whether there was a verbal agreement.
  • The font used in the contract.
  • The duration of the contract.
  • The color of ink used for the signature.

Which of the following conclusions is logically consistent with the statement: 'All legal contracts must be agreed upon by both parties.'?

  • If one party does not agree, there is no legal contract.
  • Both parties can agree verbally for a contract to be legal.
  • A contract can be legal even if only one party agrees.
  • All agreements between parties must be written to be considered contracts.

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Caitlin used Law Tests to help him secure a position at Linklaters


Slaughter and May Assessments Tips

Familiarize with Legal Jargon

When preparing for the tests that Slaughter & May might present you with, you'll want to ensure that legal terms are your second language. With a firm steeped in tradition and global influence, showcasing your understanding of legal vocabulary is paramount. Dive into practice exams on Law Tests, which are crafted to reflect the language used in the field, so words like 'tort' or 'estoppel' become part of your everyday vocabulary.

Sharpen Your Analytical Skills

These practice tests aren't just about knowing the law; they're also about demonstrating sharp analytical thinking. Expect scenarios requiring critical evaluation and the application of legal principles to complex situations. To ace these challenges, engage with our problem questions and think critically about each answer you provide on Law Tests. It's your time to think like a lawyer – analytical, meticulous, and strategic.

Understand the Format Inside Out

Each law firm has its quirks and preferred testing formats. Slaughter & May is no different. By using Law Tests, you'll get a real feel for the types of questions, the layout of the exams, and the time constraints you might face. This kind of familiarity can greatly reduce test-day jitters and allow you to focus on showcasing your legal prowess.

Develop Time Management Savvy

Conquer timing before it conquers you. It's vital to practice pacing yourself to complete the exam within the given timeframe. Use our timed practice exams on Law Tests to build this skill. Work on answering the easier questions first to secure marks, then tackle the more time-consuming ones. Good time management can make the difference between a rushed test and a well-executed one.

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Slaughter and May Assessments FAQs

What is the salary for a trainee at Slaughter and May?

The starting salary for a trainee at Slaughter and May is £50,000 per annum. This will increase as you progress through the training contract program and qualify as a solicitor.

What are the core values of Slaughter and May?

The firm is committed to delivering outstanding client service while operating with honesty and professionalism at all times. With an emphasis on teamwork they strive for excellence in all areas of their work - whether that's working together on complex cases or simply going above what is expected when dealing with everyday matters.

How can I make my CV stand out?

Consider including information such as any relevant coursework or extracurricular activities which demonstrate your suitability for this role.

Does Slaughter and May provide visa sponsorship for overseas students?

Yes, Slaughter and May provide visa sponsorship for overseas students. Slaughter and May offer a range of services to help applicants from outside the UK apply for visas and work permits, depending on their individual circumstances.

Where can I practice Slaughter & May tests?

You can start practicing with our free Slaughter and May test package - no credit card is required. All you need to do is sign up with an email address.