Shearman & Sterling Assessments

Ace your entry into Shearman & Sterling with targeted practice exams.

Careers at Shearman & Sterling

Shearman & Sterling, a legal juggernaut, offers aspiring professionals a platform to engage with multifaceted legal challenges across finance, M&A, and more. Known for its global reach and high-performance expectations, Shearman & Sterling is a breeding ground for the brightest in the legal sphere. Typically, the firm looks for candidates with sharp analytical skills and an ethical compass that steers through complex legal mazes, ensuring clients across the globe receive unrivaled service.

To join their esteemed ranks, aspiring professionals must go through a robust hiring process, showcasing their proficiency in critical thinking, top-tier communication skills, and finance acumen. With openings in various legal specialties, Shearman & Sterling continuously scout for talent that can sustain the firm's reputation for excellence and precision.

Shearman & Sterling Application Process

The selection process has 4 major stages:

1. Online Application

2. Online Assessments

3. Interview

4. Assessment Centre

Shearman & Sterling Online Application

The Online Application at Shearman & Sterling is the gateway to your potential future with the firm. Expect to provide comprehensive details about your academic background, work experience, and the reasons why you're a strong fit for the legal industry. Tailoring your application to highlight skills like analytical reasoning, financial knowledge, and ethical judgment will be crucial in setting the stage for subsequent evaluation rounds.

Make sure your application is error-free and encapsulates not just your qualifications but also your passion for the legal world. Shearman & Sterling values detail-oriented individuals who can contribute to their legacy of exceptional client service.

Shearman & Sterling Online Assessments

The Online Assessments step is designed to measure how applicants' skills align with Shearman & Sterling's high standards. This may include case studies, situational judgment tests, and analytical reasoning exercises. These tests are a critical part of the selection process and quantify your potential to excel amidst the firm's challenging work environment.

Expect the unexpected, as the firm's wide-ranging practice areas require a dynamic skill set. Prepare thoroughly to showcase your problem-solving acumen, financial savvy, and critical thinking, all of which are critical to succeeding in these assessments.

Shearman & Sterling Interview

An Interview with Shearman & Sterling often means you've successfully navigated the initial phases of the application process and now face the opportunity to personally impress. Here, you will engage in discussions that will challenge your understanding of legal principles, case analysis, and industry knowledge.

Your conversation might traverse through hypothetical scenarios where your ethical decision-making and analytical skills will be put to the test. Demonstrating your ability to communicate complex concepts with clarity will set you apart in this critical step.

Shearman & Sterling Assessment Centre

The Assessment Centre is the final hurdle in Shearman & Sterling's hiring process. This immersive experience involves a series of in-person evaluations, including group exercises, additional test batteries, and panel interviews. The firm is assessing your collaborative spirit, leadership potential, and resilience under pressure.

During this step, candidates get to experience the firm's culture first-hand and must exhibit their readiness to thrive in a demanding yet rewarding environment. It is your chance to show not just your professional skills but your personal attributes align with the ethos of Shearman & Sterling.

Sample Shearman & Sterling Assessments question Test your knowledge!

Score: /6

Based on these 309 components, what is the probability that a randomly chosen component is A and fails the test?

Component A524294
Component B4572117
Component C742498
  • 0.3542
  • 0.4527
  • 0.1254
  • 0.1359

Which city's stores have the lowest average number of male managers per store?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • Manchester
  • Birmingham
  • Edinburgh
  • Leeds
  • London

Units shipped from the Birmingham, Edinburgh and Leeds falls by 7%, 5% and 12% respectively. Across the 5 towns shown, how many units are produced but not shipped?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • 13,300
  • 13,301
  • 13,302
  • 13,303
  • 13,304

How many jobs are cut in the Manchester and London offices?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • 400
  • 410
  • 420
  • 430
  • 440

One customer purchased 90% of the units sold at the reduced sale price from the Manchester and Leeds stores. How much did the customer save compared to the full sales price?

StoresMale employees (% managers)Female employees (% managers)Job cut (% total employees)
Manchester42,121 (16%)642 (6.4%)8%
Birmingham52,300 (5%)735 (5.7%)5%
Edinburgh2434 (12%)924 (8.4%)6%
Leeds31,450 (18%)588 (8.2%)11%
London41,361 (15%)729 (6.4%)10%

Units Produced9,2008,4005,2008,8008,700
Units Shipped6,1006,8003,5005,3006,600
Units Sold at £5.508609207601,0101,000
Units Sold at £3.758207609601,080960
  • £3,101
  • £2,709
  • £5,805
  • £9,460
  • £2,765

Based on these 309 components, what is the probability that a randomly chosen component passes the test?

Component A524294
Component B4572117
Component C742498
  • 0.5534
  • 0.6752
  • 0.4215
  • 0.7145

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I’ve always found the service that Law Tests provides to be excellent throughout the whole interview process.

Caitlin used Law Tests to help him secure a position at Linklaters


Shearman & Sterling Assessments Tips

Understand the Format

Become familiar with Shearman & Sterling's test structure to better manage your time and approach.

Practice Makes Perfect

Regular practice can significantly improve your comfort level and performance on these exams.

Critical Thinking

Sharpen your analytical and reasoning skills, as they're core competencies Shearman & Sterling values.

Free Practice Resources

You can access a plethora of practice tests tailored to Shearman & Sterling's hiring process right here on Law Tests for free.

Level up

Choose the package that works for you.


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  • 9 Aptitude packages
  • 20 Admissions packages
  • 52 Employer packages
  • 14 Publisher packages
  • Dashboard performance tracking
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  • Tips, tricks, guides and resources

  • Access to free tests
  • Basic performance tracking
  • Full solutions and explanations
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Shearman & Sterling Assessments FAQs

What are the Shearman & Sterling tests?

Shearman & Sterling utilizes a variety of assessments designed to evaluate a candidate’s fit with the firm's demanding environment. These could range from case studies, operative legal scenario simulations, to reasoning tests that gauge logical and ethical capacities.

Are the Shearman & Sterling tests hard?

The difficulty of Shearman & Sterling tests is subjective; they are challenging as they aim to sift through candidates to find those who can thrive in their rigorous and detail-oriented work climate. Solid preparation is the key to success.

How do I prepare for Shearman & Sterling tests?

Preparing for Shearman & Sterling's tests involves a commitment to practicing and refining the skills they assess. Law Tests offers a wide range of practice tests that simulate the actual exams to improve your preparedness.

How long does the recruitment process take at Shearman & Sterling?

The recruitment process at Shearman & Sterling varies based on the role and number of applicants but is typically thorough, potentially spanning several weeks to ensure the selection of the most capable candidates.

What are Shearman & Sterling's core values?

Shearman & Sterling's core values revolve around an unwavering commitment to client service excellence, ethical judgment, legal expertise, and a collaborative, high-performing team environment.